The office has changed rapidly over the past 30 years and continues to evolve taking onboard new technologies and sometimes different working methods and practices.
Over the past 30 years the single most common health problem reported by computer workers is eye strain. On investigation, it has been found that a small number of these complaints are due to actual visual problems that may be corrected by a visit to the optometrist.
However there are many associated problems that must be guarded against, some more serious than others. These problems can relate to work related upper limb disorder (WRULD more commonly known as RSI), fatigue and stress.
These problems have caused the governments of Europe, Australia and New Zealand to issue a variety of Directives and Laws to address these issues. In the USA there has been much discussion on the wording of proposed legislation.
However, providing workers with the best conditions in a cost effective way increases productivity and raises morale.